There’s a revolution happening worldwide.
In the US alone, over 4.4 million people left their jobs in 2021, and it appears that the number is rising.
The Great Resignation is changing how people work and how we think about work. And if you’re reading this blog post, my guess is that you’re considering taking part in that revolution as well.
Should I quit my job and join the Great Resignation?
If you’ve been asking yourself this question time and time again, then stick around.
Because in this blog post, I’m going to share with you six coaching questions to help you decide whether or not you should quit your job.
So let’s get started:
Question 1: Why do you want to quit your job?
If there’s one thing I learned from Simon Sinek, it’s this: start with why – and for a reason: we should all be clear about the biggest why behind our decisions.
So, if you want to take that giant leap and join the Great Resignation, go ahead and ask yourself this: why do you want to quit your job?
Now, the answers to this question will be different for each individual. But to give you an idea, my biggest reason – back when I was in the same situation as you – was because I was a single mom.
As a single mom with a baby, I badly needed the freedom and flexibility from my role so I could work and take care of my infant at the same time. But my work back then was not at all aligned with my needs at that time. So, that had put the initial idea in my head it may be time to quit my job.
Question 2: What is it that you’re currently not getting in your current career?
Now, I know this is a very loaded question, and just like the question before this one, there are going to be a lot of different answers for different individuals.
But the answer for me was obvious: I wanted to be there for my baby – that’s why I needed the freedom and flexibility from my role.
When I was still working for the company, I had to spend at least 20 hours per week commuting to my job, and I had to rely on somebody to take care of my baby for me. It was then that I also realized that I was paying somebody a part-time salary to babysit while I was out there commuting for the same number of hours per week.

Question 3: Is there anything you are not getting from your employer that you might be able to negotiate with them?
Before you throw in the towel, you can attempt to negotiate with your employer and ask them what you can do to get what you need.
Do you feel like you’re not earning enough? Maybe you could negotiate a raise.
Or perhaps, you needed a little flexibility as I did, so maybe you could arrange a work-from-home option.
But if you can’t come to an agreement with your employer, then maybe it’s time to move on.
As for me, I did everything I could to get the flexibility I needed, but in the end, they weren’t able to accommodate my request because the business wasn’t built to accommodate more flexible work options.
Right then and there, I was at crossroads. Sooner or later, I had to sacrifice one over the other. It’s either my job or my baby. I chose the latter.

Question 4: If given a choice, would you rather work for somebody else, or would you rather work for yourself?
This is a tough one, but I’d say that you should take a long hard look at this question before you decide to quit your job. Because the truth is, running a business is not for everybody.
As much as you want to be your own boss, it’s not a great idea to take the plunge unless you’re fully prepared for the responsibility.
You need to be ready to commit to your business 100%. You must be willing to sacrifice your time and be willing to work for nothing if you need to.
As for me, I already had 15 years of experience working for the company, and I felt that it was about time for me to move on and run a business of my own.
But if you think you’re much more comfortable working for somebody else, that’s ok too! At this point in your career, it’s totally understandable if you’re happy with the workplace hierarchy, where somebody else is at the top guiding the shots. It can be less stressful and feel more secure.
For as long as you’re still having that level of fulfillment you need, you don’t have to build a business, at least not yet. Besides, you can always change your decision in the future once you’re ready to work for yourself – just like I did.
Question 5: Why do you want to work for yourself? Why do you NOT want to work for yourself?
As I mentioned earlier, it’s crucial for you to be clear on why you need to do something.
Want to work for yourself? Why is that? What’s your biggest why?
Conversely, don’t want to work for yourself? Why not?
By asking yourself these questions, you’ll be able to determine whether or not you’re cut out to be your own boss at this point in time.
Now, if you think that running a business is all about just sipping mai tais on the beach and having a carefree life, then I’ll tell you right off the bat that you’re in for a rude awakening.
Running a business is hard. It’s usually a lot harder than people expect. And it requires a ton of commitment. Besides, most successful companies have a clear purpose in mind. The people behind these businesses believe that their skills, experience, talents, and everything else were meant for something more.
So, think about it, what’s your purpose? If you can’t articulate why you really want to work for yourself, then it would probably be better for you to work for somebody else at this point.

Question 6: Are you CURRENTLY in a financially secure position to make a drastic change in your life?
Out of all the six questions in this post, this is probably the most important one.
Are you currently in a financially secure position to enable you to make a drastic shift in your life?
If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You’re ready to take that huge leap.
But if your answer is no, then you might have to postpone your plans a little until you’re financially ready. The thing is, if you pursue this sudden shift and you’re not financially secure, you’re setting yourself up for so much stress and unnecessary anxiety.
Speaking for myself, I had six months’ worth of emergency savings ready. I was able to leverage those savings to pivot out of my career and use them to start my own business.
If you’re looking to switch careers or quit ASAP, the same thing applies. You need to have the financial resources to support yourself and your family, all the while you’re looking for the perfect opportunity for you.
And if you don’t have enough savings yet, don’t worry; it’s not the end of the road for you. You can get there fast by creating a plan and sticking to it. (Check this blog post if you’d like to learn how you systematically set goals and achieve them).
In Summary
I hope that this article has helped you gain clarity on the question, “should I quit my job and join the Great Resignation?”
If the reason you came across this post is because you’re searching for reasons to leave your job and become part of the great resignation, but you’re on the fence on if you should switch jobs or go to work for yourself, then I have a free masterclass that can help.
Click here to sign up for the next training, and I look forward to seeing you there!