Goals are the key to success, but neglecting to create the action plan is why most people fail.
What if I told you that you could transform your life by setting better goals?
In this post, you will learn:
- ?What finish line goals are and how important they are in your journey towards success;
- ? How mile marker goals can help you create consistent and motivated actions;
- ? How to set goals and create an action plan the right way;
And more.
More importantly, you’ll discover the 6-step framework I personally use to set better goals and achieve them at a record pace.
But before we get on the topic of how to set goals and create an action plan that works for you, let’s first define
what finish line goals and mile marker goals are.
Finish Line Goals vs. Mile Marker Goals
There are goals that I’d like to call “finish line goals” and “mile marker goals.”
If you’re running a 26.2-mile marathon, for instance, your finish line is 26.2 miles from the starting line. That finish line is what I’d like to call a “finish line goal.”
On the other hand, mile marker goals are smaller goals that will help you reach the finish line goal.
To illustrate, let’s go back to the 26.2-mile marathon example. A 26.2-mile marathon consists of almost 26.2 miles. Therefore, you can expect 26 mile markers (one mile marker for each mile), before you could reach the finish line.
So basically, when you complete 1 mile marker, you are then a mile closer towards the finish line.
Or you could set it in a way that makes much more sense to you. For example, a mile marker could be for every 3 miles you need to pass through before you reach the end. In other words, you may think of mile markers as significant milestones in your journey.
Here’s another example on how you can break down marathon into mile marker goals:

The same principle applies with your entrepreneurship goals.
For example, the ultimate end result you’re looking for (your finish line goal, that is) is to achieve true freedom and flexibility when it comes to your income and time.
We know that’s a long way ahead, so the next thing you need to do is to determine the smaller steps you need to take to get closer to your finish line goal.
In this case, your mile marker goals could be anything from getting your first paid client, to hitting 10k a month in revenue.

But that’s not all there is on how to set goals.
Below I’ll walk you through my personal 6-step framework so you can set goals the right way, and you can consistently take action towards reaching your aspirations in life.
Let’s get started!
How to Set Goals and Create an Action Plan
Step #1:Choose a “Marathon” goal.
The first step is to determine your “Marathon” goal. So ask yourself, what is it that you want the ultimate end result to be?
Is it to achieve true freedom?
Is it to have more flexibility with your time?
Retire at the age of 40?
Go ahead and list them all. Once you’ve done that, pick one and choose a “Marathon” goal.
Step #2: Make an action plan of how you’re going to get there.
The next thing you must do is to break your “marathon goal” into smaller steps. In other words, think about the smaller steps you can take so you can reach your goal.
This should be super easy, so don’t get too hung up on this. All you need to do is just grab a piece of paper, a pen, and start brainstorming on the many ways you can get to your goal. Whatever comes to your mind, just add it to your list.
If you get stuck along the way because you don’t know what needs to happen to complete a step, don’t worry! We’ll address it later on in step # 4.

Step #3: Set Mile Marker Goals
This is a fairly easy step as well. Take the list you wrote from Step 2, and choose the ones that are in their own right, measurable goals.. These are your “mile markers.”
Tweak these mile markers a bit so they would be measurable. Doing so will make it easier for you to “grade” your progress.
Step #4: Pick and gather your resources.
Now that you’ve broken down your marathon goal into smaller and achievable ones, it’s time to start gathering your resources — so you don’t get stuck along the way.
Resources can include books, videos, online courses, etc. Or, you may even seek the help of somebody who has already achieved what you want to achieve. That way, you’ll know exactly what you need to do.
Also, you need to factor in the resources that are already accessible to you. Think about the relevant skills, experience, and knowledge you already have to start hitting the goals.
Questions like: “What am I good at? What skills don’t I have? What kind of person do I need to become?” would be great things to ask yourself to help you assess the resources you may already have.
Once you’ve successfully assessed what you have and done so far, cross them off your list so you can focus on hitting the rest of your mile markers.
Step #5: Create a Timeline
Once you’ve gathered all your resources, it’s time to create a timeline.
The purpose of creating the timeline is not to set yourself a deadline. It’s to realistically understand how long it’s going to take you in the best circumstances based on what you’re planning and projecting to reach that goal.
It could change, things happen. A great example of this is the pandemic. Having a timeline makes it much easier to get back on track if you find yourself off course.
The next step is to write down everything you need to do, specify when you need to do it and how long it will take.

Step #6: Incorporate Your Timeline into Your Time Tracking Tools
Time tracking tools allow you to plan and record your activities and assign dates and times to them. They also give you a detailed breakdown of your day, week, month, year, and more.
This could be as simple as plugging in your goal deadlines into your calendar. You may also use project management software such as Asana, ClickUp, or Trello.
In this step, all you need to do is add your goals and timelines to these tools so you would feel more accountable for your actions.
Step #7: You’ve Set Your Goals. Take Action on Your Plan!
Finally, once you have everything ready, it’s time to get started.
Just follow through the tasks and their corresponding schedules you set in your project management app. Start with your mile marker #1. Once you’re done with the first one, then proceed to the next. Then the next, and so on, reaching all your mile markers , and eventually, your marathon goal.
In Summary…
And then from there, it’s as simple as taking action!
I know it’s easier said than done, but at least now you have a starting point on exactly everything you need to do to be able to hit that end finish line goal.
Now, remember that your finish line it’s not going to happen overnight, and it may take you years to get there.
So with that said, it’s more important that you have the vision set and you know what it is you’re working towards and every single day. Your ultimate success is the sum of the many small actions you take to get to whatever your final vision is.
So remember that as you move forward, and I can guarantee you will see success.
I hope you found this post about how to set goals and create an action plan valuable. If you did, let me know in the comments.