Do you find yourself constantly busy, but not making progress towards your goals? If maintaining mental clarity is a struggle for you, especially if you’re a working mom, you’re not alone.
I recently had the opportunity to speak to Charmaine Fuller on this exact topic. As a working mother with ADHD, she understands the feeling all too well. In our conversation, she shares her simple, 3 step “stoplight” system to achieve mental clarity and simplify your life.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a busy parent, or just looking to find more balance in your life, this conversation has something for you.
From Organizing IEP’s to Organizing Mom’s Lives
While filling out IEP (individualized educational plan) paperwork for her autistic daughter’s school, Charmaine started to get the weird feeling that every answer she gave on behalf of her daughter felt incredibly familiar.
That’s when she started to seek out some answers, which lead to an official ADHD diagnosis in her 40’s. To her it was a relief, since all the years she struggled creating grocery lists, yet excelled at creating comprehensive organizational systems suddenly made sense.
Having mastered the challenge of staying organized for the IEP process, she started getting requests from other overwhelmed mom’s in her district as to what her secrets were. So she started coaching them on how to stay organized for the IEP’s, only to later find many of the moms much like her shared undiagnosed neuro-diversities with their children.
After deciding to focus on serving ADHD mothers in her coaching practice, that’s when she created her 3-step process for maintaining mental clarity. This includes her Stoplight System to help her prioritize tasks and avoid overwhelming yourself.
By following her 3-step process, Charmaine’s clients gained mental clarity and achieved their goals without feeling overwhelmed. Here’s how you can do the same.
Charmaine’s 3-Step ?Stoplight System for Mental Clarity
Step 1: Clarify
Get clear on what’s going on in your life, what you want to change, and how you want to feel as a result of the change. The first step is to get clear about what’s going on now. Where are you now? What do you want to happen next? And how do you want to feel when you get there?
Step 2: Simplify
Simplify your priorities and organize them in a way that aligns with your values. Simplifying is not just about creating a schedule. It’s about organizing in a way that aligns with your intentions and values and allows you the space and freedom to simplify how your life looks.
Step 3: Organize and Track
Track your progress and organize your tasks in a way that is in alignment with your values and goals.
Charmaine’s?Stoplight System for Prioritization
Once you have your tasks organized, you can then try out Charmaine’s Stoplight System to easily prioritize tasks and avoid overwhelming yourself.
? RED ITEMS are urgent and important
? YELLOW ITEMS are important but can be delegated
? GREEN ITEMS are things you would love to get done if you had the time
The conversation focuses on self-awareness, intentionality, and finding balance in your life. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a busy parent, or just looking to find more balance in your life, this episode has something for you.
In Summary
Achieving mental clarity is possible with a little bit of intentionality and organization.
By getting clear on what’s going on in your life, simplifying your priorities, and organizing and tracking your progress, you can find more balance and reduce overwhelm. Try incorporating Charmaine’s 3-step process and Stoplight System discussed in this episode into your daily routine and see how it can help you achieve mental clarity.