Parent Yourself : Self Care Strategies for Working Mothers eBook

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Reduce overwhelm, stress and anxiety as a working mom by creating your very own customized self-care strategy using this 40 page eBook.

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Self care for working moms doesn’t have to be difficult.

As a working mother, are you always reminding your children to eat their vegetables, get outside to play, and go to bed on time, yet you rarely ever do the same for yourself?  If the answer is yes, it’s time to prioritize parenting yourself by creating your very own mom self care plan.

By creating your own self care plan as a working mom, you will be able to:

  • Decrease your overwhelm, stress and anxiety
  • Feel physically more energetic and mentally clearer
  • Gain confidence and self- assurance
  • Express and process your emotions instead of repressing them
  • Create space for yourself to grow and become the best mother and role model you can be.

When you purchase this 40+ page eBook, you will have everything you need to:

  • Learn 10 different methods you can mix and match, so you can create a self-care plan that works for you.
  • Write out your self-care strategy so you know exactly what you need to do, and when you’ll have time to fit it in.
  • Learn actionable strategies to keep yourself consistent and accountable, so that you can see lasting results from the time you invest into yourself.
  • Have a resource list of books, documentaries, and websites to explore the topics further, so that you can explore the topics that resonate most for you even further.



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 Laura Parker
